New Majorette for 2025! From the Diecast Dude YouTube Channel

This week, a few diecast Instagramers were invated by Simba to the Majorette offices in Germany. They took an approach of posting and deleting and claiming these are «not allowed» images but come on, we all know what you are doing. But if it helps sell more Majorette, I’m in!

I don’t like the new wheels shown on the Ford Fiesta and the Jeep Wrangler 4XE, nor on the new Mercedes A Class, and many of the Premium decos look too bright and colourful. Not sure what are they going for there! I hope some of the wheels are not final, or don’t belong on the models as intended for production (some of these are said to be prototypes). The Graffitti series is a definite not-for-me. Wonder what most collectors think about it?

But there are some other cool models, like the new Tacoma and Mustang Black Horse!

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